Defending the Land Blog

Meet the Engineering Intern, Nick Kuhlmann

Environmental Tillage Systems (ETS) welcomes Nick Kuhlmann back to the team as the 2023 engineering intern.

Nick is a senior at North Dakota State University studying Mechanical Engineering and is originally from Elko, Minnesota.


"I chose this internship because I wanted to continue to expand my knowledge in both engineering and agriculture," said Nick. "I am interested in the design and manufacturing sides of engineering, that being areas of CAD modeling, ERP, prototyping, testing and production.”


Nick is excited to be a part of this team again and looks forward to the projects he will be able to help with and complete.


"I was excited when ETS reached out to me and gave me the opportunity of being an engineering intern for the summer of 2023," said Nick. "It’s a great opportunity to be here again at ETS and to keep expanding my capabilities as an engineer. I’m looking forward to seeing what projects the engineering team has for me this summer.”Photo May 23, 1 15 22 PM-2

Pictured above: Nick Kuhlmann


"The Engineering department is excited to have Nick back for this summer," said Spencer Grimm, ETS design engineer. "He did a great job last summer, and we are looking forward to what he will add to the program.”


Throughout the summer, Nick will have a chance to work on the SoilWarrior Parts Catalog update which includes schematics, assemblies and drawings. He will work on prototyping for various projects, continuous ECOs and Epicor entry.

Outside of the engineering office, Nick enjoys hanging out with his friends and family, spending time at the lake, playing basketball, camping and hiking. Throughout college, Nick has been involved in Bison Pullers at NDSU, a 1/4 scale tractor-pulling competition judged by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).


Welcome back to the team, Nick!
