Ag Ph.D. Radio Shows

Fertilizer Placement & Timing

Members of the ETS team are frequent guests on the Ag Ph. D. Radio show.  The following episode is related to the topic of Fertilizer Placement & Timing! 

Making money and cutting costs is always a top concern for many farming operations. Eric Moore talks with farmers a lot about concentrating bands of fertilizer. He says if there are bands in low testing soil and there is a single band of fertilizer the plant will only grow in the place of the band of fertilizer. Instead, create a concentrated zone as a better choice over a band.

Check out the episode by clicking on the picture below!

Fertilizer Placement & Timing Ag PhD Radio Show

Ag PhD duo with ETS

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 Now is a great time to learn more about test driving a SoilWarrior in 2018. Click to get started.

